
A survival adventure on a dangerous world, searching for the cure for an all-devouring darkness. Punching aliens ... for science! Shattered Planet is a survival-exploration role-playing game set in a futurist world. The game is an uncompromising turn-based RPG, with endlessly generated content and over two hundred differently powerful items to find.



  • You will die, but don’t worry! Endless clones will replicate your molecules perfectly. Good as new.
  • Procedurally generated maps — every planet is different!
  • 200+ items with crazy powers, from teleporters to samurai swords to orbital strikes.
  • Hundreds of interactive fiction-style mini-narratives let you customise your story and role-play your character.
  • Ridiculous yet accurate obituaries. In what other game could you say, "Here lies kleptomaniac Captain Sofia, vassal of the worm people."?


Steam Launch TrailerYouTube

For Science! TrailerYouTube



Selected Articles

  • a very good roguelike
    Jared Nelson, The New Yorker
  • Shattered Planet has landed in the sweet spot between learnability and surprise that keeps each trip new, fresh, and entertaining.
    Jillian Werner, Gamezebo
  • frankly beautiful
    Michelle Starr, CNET Australia
  • Shattered Planet is a blast to play, and does a great job of making you wonder what’s around that next corner.
    Jeff Ortloff, Just Press Start
  • The feed back loop of exploration, discovery, and conflict, is tight, pulling me back time and again.
    Charlie Elmer, Tomodom

About Kitfox Games

Kitfox Games is an independent Montreal-based game studio dedicated to developing and publishing only the highest quality games. We have a soft spot for exploring and discovering intriguing worlds. We're united in creating the best worlds to explore, and growing together in the process.
More information
More information on Kitfox Games, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Shattered Planet Credits

Tanya Short
Designer, Producer, Kitfox Games
Mike Ditchburn
Programmer, Kitfox Games
Xin Ran Liu
Artist, Kitfox Games
Jongwoo Kim
Programmer, Kitfox Games
Ryan Roth
Composer, Audio Designer, Freelance
Greg Londish
Programmer, Freelance
Chloe Chan
Artist, Freelance