Happy Pride from Kitfox

Hey folks! Tanya here.

Happy Pride! Today's the last day of official Pride month, and we're closing it out with a little letter to hopefully help inspire more open-mindedness for the rest of the year. We're taking a break from the "love letter" format just to have a sincere, human moment, dev to player. 

From the beginning of making Boyfriend Dungeon, one of my design goals was to let the player date "whoever", and be themselves, because I felt like that was something missing in the dating-RPGs I was playing. I felt overly restricted, and it was freeing to remove those restrictions (even if it added some headaches, as a designer and writer). So you can be straight, if you want... or gay, or bi, or pan. And doing that well might not have been possible, if our team wasn't diversely queer.

Honestly, given the current internet climate, we're not completely comfortable discussing all of the kinds of queerness experienced at Kitfox. Peoples' sexuality and gender identity is their personal business, and we're just a corporation making video games. BUT a few folks did come forward to share their stories, so we're glad we could help that happen.

Pride 2021 Devlog


The video includes:

  • Our lead programmer, Marcelo Perez
  • Olivia's voice actress, Marion Toro
  • Cousin's voice actor, Ryan Battle
  • One of our sensitivity consultants, D. Squinkifer
  • Our Brazilian Portuguese translator, Tiago Bione, and his assistant Bolinho

We had to put in more  effort for this video, to make sure we treated each person's experiences with extra respect and consideration... but it was a rare honor, to be allowed to hear from so many different queer professionals.

We know many, many of our players are (or "round down to") straight. But Pride is still important to straight folks, not just because of the various culture wars ongoing internationally, but also because we've had friends and family members depend on our support while transitioning or coming out. It's a wonderful feeling to be there for them, and I hope you can experience it, because it helps you know more about their true selves, and you get to see them become happier and happier in this new phase of their life.

Here's to Your True Self

Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you are, I wish you happiness, joy, and love in the coming year.

Let's work towards increasing the freedoms and rights of queer folk to live their lives to the fullest, safely and with our support.

Have a great day!
Tanya and the Kitfox team

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