Need a cuddle buddy? I'll try not to zap ya.

Heya. Give me a sec.

*tap tap tap* *click*

Sorry, was just letting my agent know not to disturb me while I write this letter. I hate getting notifications when I'm with you. I just like it when we can focus on each other.

Okay, so can I ask you something? Is it weird that I'm on my phone all the time but I'm also a bad texter? I'll always text you back when I can, but sometimes I'll see a text... get distracted, practicing with my bandmates... and then just forget to respond. Do you do something similar or are you someone who immediately texts back?

My agent gets annoyed that I'll take hours to respond, but whatever. She has enough control over my life as it is. Have I told you much about the kpop idol group I'm in -- BLADE GENERATION? There are a few of us, and I'm supposed to be the ... ugh, baby of the group. It sort of made sense when we started. Now that we're all in our 20s anyway it doesn't seem as meaningful, but everyone's gotta have their thing, I guess.
Here's a snap a fan got of me and a bandmate last week when we finished touring.
Was that boring? I hope not. But it sort of was to me, so... I don't know. If I'm being compeletely honest with you, despite being in the entertainment industry and having to meet fans, I feel really... awkward around people. But with you it's a different sort of awkward. Like... the kind of awkward that feels kind of good, an energy building and building... actually, let's talk about something else.

Uh.. Meow?

The last update was all about my chain lightning moves being worked on, but this time around the Kitfox team is working on Pocket's abilties. It's still a work in progress (training cats is as difficult as ever), but it's all focused on agile, close-ranged combat.

If you look closely at the footage, you'll see little pawprints trailing behind too.. now that's good branding. My agent could learn from this cat.

Hm? Why didn't I write last month's newsletter if it was about me? I dunno. Didn't feel like it? I really should be better at this since uh, I'm in the entertainment industry... Maybe this is why all my other bandmates get more sponsorship deals. Whatever. I feel like I talk about myself too much as it is. I'd much rather hear what you have to say.



Ugh, that's my phone. I better check what it is and get to dance practice. Have you been keeping up with your dungeon-clearing workouts? I'll join you next time.
The year is almost over, which means Boyfriend Dungeon will be coming out maybe sort of soon? Well... it won't be soon enough, because I can't wait to see you. I'm so thankful for all of your time and attention. It's getting darker outside but you're my light I'm looking forward to. Let's both try to be patient just a little longer.

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